hey SelfSoverignty, pretty much made up this part: "without fear of misinformation or alternative reason for spreading misinformation among the new members with deception in mind": as an excuse to not make the admins look to lazy to fix it so older members could come in the section, realistically I havent been given a reason yet, so i was just taken the burden on myself. I advise you to PM an admin to ask if you can help or if the section can be altered to allow members with over 50 posts into the section to help newbies. I'm sure DPR thought about it and came up with something but I think there are alot more newbs registering daily than he might have guessed. Do for the blanket reason I gave the admin for not having the section accessible to other very knowledgeable members. I have no real excuse for the comment except i was kinda high yesterday and was answering as many newbie questions as I could so instead of sending the admin a PM I kinda steamrollered an excuse not really realizing what it sounded like til today. I'll send a PM now and please do also if you wish to contributem didnt mean to actually shut out knowledgeable members but it seems I did without thinking levelheaded. X) nomad